Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Republican Win's Teddy's Old Seat In Mass.

I think hell just froze over. I guess this is why the United States has been getting so much snow this winter. Republican Scott Brown has taken the Massachusetts Senate seat long held by recently deceased senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy. The state is considered to be a left-wing Democratic stronghold. Though this will be little more than a footnote in Canadian news, it represents a significant even in American politics. Kennedy, a life long and unabashed liberal, held that seat for 46 years. Teddy was a larger than life figure in American politics so if his supporters turncoat, things cannot be good. It's a major blow to the Obama administration. Many Americans are worried over the health reform bill and potential tax increases. Polls estimate that 54% of Americans are opposed to the health care plan. Obama has gone from an approval rating of 84% by the time he was entered office (according to a CNN poll), down to a low of 41% just last month.

It's notable that in such a short period, less than a year, things have shifted from one of the strongest Democratic showings in over a decade to at the election to a point where no seat is safe. It will be interesting to see how the Obama administration reacts to this.
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