Thursday, February 02, 2006

Recall McGuinty

For the last two years, Ontarians have dealt with the crap from Dalton McGuinty. I say its enough. Its time to hold a recall vote.
In the same year McGuinty was elected to office, our neighbours down south in California held a historic recall vote. The vote decided to kick out Democratic governor Gray Davis. Although the conditions were different in that election, I think its time we did something similar here. Here are the reasons why I think McGuinty should be made to face the music.

Dalton McGuinty closed the Lakeview Generating Station in Mississauga. The idea was to close coal fired generators to reduce pollution. The problem is, we now have an energy shortage. We now have to import power from US coal stations which pollute far more than ours do. The smog they generate just happens to blow over Ontario. Both the energy union and an independent think tank have advised McGuinty to restart Lakeview or turn the coal plants to natural gas. He has said he would not. He has also been slow on building new plants. They propose nuclear power, it will turn us into mutants. They propose wind, it produces a low pitch sound that drives people insane. Come on. McGuinty can't keep the lights on.

I have two points to discus here.
-Back in the mid 1990s, Mike Harris and his conservatives introduced a new curriculum. The idea was to raise the standard of Ontario education to the level of other countries. People however complained it was too hard. Standardized test scores were lower. The Liberals answer, dumb down the tests, and dumb down the curriculum. This isn't fair to those who went through it before he got in. He has also given into outrageous demands by the teacher union. McGuinty's wife just happens to be a teacher. I'm sure he doesn't get any action if he doesn't cave into her union, if you know what I mean. If you don't let me flag it out for you... CONFLICT OF INTEREST.
-In 2003 McGuinty promised a university tuition freeze. It lasted two years and now its about to end. Students are now bracing for a big shock next year. Universities slow to prepare for the double cohort are just beginning to expand now, and are out of money. Students already pay a rediculous amount and can't pay much more. Rises in fees are going to deter people from going to higher education. Students in university now can barely afford to pay for it. What are they going to do when the fees go up? McGuinty has no further plans to help students.

McGuinty ran under the promise that Ontarians wouldn't pay "a penny more under a liberal government" then they would under a conservative one. In other words he wouldn't raise taxes. He won, and his administration soon levied the largest tax increase in Ontario history. The so called health care premium. Ontarians are already giving way more in taxes than they receive in services. Ontarians give nearly 50% of their income to the tax man. To ask for more, well he'd better have a damn good reason, which he didn't.
McGuinty has also raised taxes significant amounts on cigarettes. While I don't smoke and I do not condone smoking, I feel this is wrong. It encourages smuggling is why. People know they can just buy illegal cigarettes on First Nations reserves tax free, or they go to the US and smuggle them in. If you don't want people to smoke, ban them. Taxing cigarettes has just become a tax grab, it doesn't stop people from smoking.

Casinos have been expanding big time since McGuinty got in. Gambling addiction, coincidently I'm sure, has also gone up. Casinos are yet another cash grab.

Transportation minister Harinder Takhar was accused, and convicted of conflict of interest. It was recommended that he be reprimanded, which he was. He should also have been fired from his cabinet post, which he never was.

McGuinty ran on a promise of reducing Highway 407 tools. The problem was, it's illegal for the government to do so. A binding contract was signed stating that the 407 ETR company was in full control of the road including the rights to raise and lower tolls. Surely McGuinty must have known this. That means he lied to the people for making a promise that he must have known he could never fulfill. If he didn't know, that paints a worse picture of him, because he's asleep at the switch.

McGuinty recently passed the City of Toronto act. This law gives the city of Toronto extra legislative powers. It also gives Toronto jurisdiction over things that were traditionally provincial without requiring provincial permissions. The problem is that the act forgets Ontario's other major cities. Both Ottawa and Mississauga were upset by the act as it shows favourtism toward Toronto, despite these two cities being the third and second largest cities respectively.

McGuinty promised to stop building on Oakrides Moraine. Unfortunately the contracts were signed and building happened anyway. Either he knew or he was asleep at the switch yet again. Another problem has raised though which I'm sure he doesn't know or care about. The Town of Milton has given approval to build a subdivision on protected Escarpment country. For someone so opposed to building on protected land, he's stragely quiet about it.

With all this, I therefore propose a historic event in Canada, a recall vote. McGuinty has lied and cheated his way into power, just like his Federal cousins. It's time to remove this half -baked Norm Bates look-alike from power. Now I can't say all bad, he did freeze election dates for example. However, I don't think this justifies he staying in office.
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