Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Raving Red

It appears that the CUPE workers are going to go on strike in Ontario, an illegal strike. The reason? While apparently the union thinks that firefighters and police officers do not deserve to be able to stike early. The physical back braking work of putting out fires is easy compaired to the poor lunchlady serving slop to kids.

The truth is that CUPE and other unions know they have outlived thier purpose, but drag their heels refusing to admit it. That's why we get these so called "wildcat" stikes. They are loosing power and support so they are resorting to more militant tactics.

Perhaps what upsets me the most is that they are going to close 80 schools down for this strike, locking out thousands of kids from their studies and leaving parents to find places to put them. No union should be allowed to force kids out of school. Parents need to resort to militant tactics themselves. Resort to threats of legal acton on even form counter protests across the street from pickets. If you do, just don't resort to violence. Don't stoop to their level.

Grarbage will also not be picked up. My solution? Find the picket line and dump your grarbage into their fire bin and make them breath in the toxic fumes.

Why an I so harsh. I don't like unions to begin with but this is illegal. They have no right to go on strike, especially over something so trivial. It's time people started fighting back. I would like to mention that not all CUPE local leaders agree with their union. Peel and Ottawa will not be going on stike. My power too them for standing up to their principles and refusing to break the law. As for the others, they should loose their jobs. The Ontario government should also take a lesson from BC and fine/sue CUPE if they do go on strike.
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