Thursday, March 02, 2006

Supreme Idiots

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court has rules that school boards cannot ban Sihk daggers from the classroom. For those who don't know, the Sikhs are the warrior class of India. Young Sikh men carry with them a cerimonial dagger known as a Kirpan.

Several school boards in Quebec have attempted to ban students form carring these daggers to school. It's not often I agree with Quebecers but I can this time around. This is because this 'kirpan' is a weapon. It has been said that there have been no incidents with one but that's not the point. There were no incidences of a kid dying of anaphilactic shock at schools I went to but we still couldn't bring peanut butter sandwiches to school. I couldn't bring a knife to cut an apple at lunch for the same reason. The point is that they do pose a serious potential danger. Unless they are dull enough to not even cut butter, which I doubt they are as I've seen these at bazzars in Toronto, they pose a safety risk. I advocate all or none. If a Sikh kid can bring a dagger to school, why can't a white or black kid do the same? The right to security of the person must trump the right to freedom of religion, especially when young kids are concerned. If I were Quebec, I'd be whipping out my Section 33.

This also calls for something stronger to trump the Supreme Court as they are not an infalible body. When you get a unanimous decision like that, questions need to be asked, especially when lower courts declared the opposite decision using the 'reasonable limits' clause.
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