Saturday, March 18, 2006

Traffic in Milton: 6 Months Later

6 months ago (back when I was on Myblogsite, you can find the original post in the November Archive), I posted a rather lengthy article on traffic problems in Milton. I was looking at it and noticed that little has changed. I'll refer back to some of my original complaints and we'll see what has been done.

Laurier & Ontario
What's Been Done: Nothing
This crooked intersection still presents a bad left turn hazzard.

Ontario Street:
What's Been Done: Nothing
Still a bad area for speeding

Bronte and Steels
What's Been Done: Nothing
Railbridge blocking view still poses a hazzard. No planes for lights.
UPDATE 04/18/06: Study being done that will hopefully set up a plan to fix the bridge problem. Road to be widened.

Steels Between Martin and Ontario
What's Been Done: Nothing
Speed limit still too low

Britainnia Road
What's Been Done: Nothing
Spring has arrived and the cyclists are back out in full force.

Steels and Wheelabrator
What's Been Done: Nothing
There is still a turning hazzard here do to lack of lights

Laurier and Vanier
What's Been Done: Nothing
Needs a four way stop, no plans to do so.

Dairy Road
What's Been Done: Widening has begun.
Widening the road is all fine and dandy but the construction company working on it is doing an extremely poor job.

Dairy and Fourth Line
What's Been Done: Nothing
Work has yet to begin on the James Snow extension. No word on when that will start.

Tramaine and Steels
What's Been Done: Nothing

Dairy and Ontario
What's Been Done: Nothing
Still no turn signals

James Snow and Highway 401
What's Been Done: Lights are going up
Light poles were put up but there are no lights on them. Poles were put up two months ago.

Highway 25 and Britannia
What's Been Done: Nothing
Still no turning lanes

Railway Grade Separations
What's Been Done: Grade separation beginning on Thompson.
However, no plans for any others.
UPDATE 04/18/06: Study being done for a grade separation on Main St at the mall.

Well it seems the town is starting to get stuff done but are far from any concrete traffic improvements. Traffic is worse than ever.
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