Friday, March 03, 2006

Live and Let Die

Besides gays, scientology, and starving Africans kids, celebrities have hopped on yet another band wagon, animal rights.

Former Beatle and Wings member Paul McCartney visited Newfoundland yesterday in a bid to put a stop to the seal hunt. He says it's cruel and barbaric to hunt the seals. I think it's cruel and barbaric to hear McCartney talk. Paul is a washed up has-been who's star burned out in the 1980s when Wings broke up. McCartney is a vegitarian (as evident in a famous Simpsons episode). He is also a very vocal personality when it comes to animal rights and the legalization of the giggle grass.

What McCartney is mad at this time is the Harp Seal hunt in Newfoundland. The hunt important, particularly to First Nations people who rely on it for food, clothing, and income. Although the seals are adorable, I think we must think about humans first. There are limits on how many can be hunted.

This brings me to the whole idea of animal rights, and clothing. I once had a teacher who lived with an Algonquin tribe near Kenora. He stated that using an animal's fur or skin is the most natural form of clothing and he hated those who thought otherwise. I agree. As long as we don't overhunt, why not. Do you think cavemen went around naked? I don't think it's McCartney's right to go over and protest the way people live their lives. That can only be changed by democratic process, as we are a democratic country the last time I checked. He has never even lived in Canada as far as I know. Celebrities do it for publicity and that's it. I don't protest the fact that Paul probably does love animals but I don't think he should be coming over here and dictating.

Perhaps if celebrities want to make a difference, perhaps they should work on their talent. I haven't seen a good movie since 2003.
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