Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The War is On

This week the Ontario Union of Public Employees (OPSU) has declared war on students. They have walked off the job putting college student's future in jeopardy. They have also welcomed tuition fee hikes.

I think I can speak for most students and I'm declaring war on the greedy college teachers and those who try to bleed money out of struggling students. College students, I propose you resort to your right to peaceful protest. Set up counterpickets across the road from your striking teachers and let them hear your grivences loud and clear.

The college teachers are putting their student's futures in jeopardy. Kids are loosing their year, they are loosing their money, and if the year is pushed into summer, they may even loose out on education as they can't work to afford it. They favour tuition increases to fulfill their greedy demands for more money (they already make over $90,000) and smaller class sizes that are already a lot smaller than their university counterparts. This is rediculous. It's time for my fellow students to fight back.
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