Thursday, March 09, 2006

Child Care Begins at Home

I've been very critical of the proposed childcare plane the Liberals and the NDP have developed. They are still pushing it but I do not think it is a good idea. Besides the unconstitutionality of a federal run system, there are other flaws.

I'm putting on my social commentary hat on for this post. A family friend has her father in a government subsidised nursing home. It was found out that the nurses were neglecting this poor old man. It got me thinking, if seniors are being mistreated in these subsidised nursing homes, how will kids be treated in subsidised day cares.

Socialized daycare is a symptom of a much larger problem with raising children in today's society. A lot of mothers are now working these days, if not most. I have nothing against working moms but I find that children are getting ignored. The parent has worked all day, they're tired and want 'me' time. The child gets parked infront of the Xbox or the TV while the parent lazes away. This is why kids are so messed up. They spend more quality time with electronic equipment than their own parents. Kids are often put below a dog in terms of priority. They start to run wild and parents question what went wrong. Dads are just as guilty as the moms in all this.

Socialized daycare acts as a place for lazy parents to stuff their kids and forget about them for a few hours. Basically a baby prison. When they get out of the big baby house they get stuffed into some sporting event for another few hours. In many cases, kids may only end up seeing their parents for less than two hours per day. It's not really fair to the kids. Parents, you don't have to give up your career, just spend some quality time with the child and they will grow up right.

As for daycare, the best place for the child is with a relative or friend. If you must resort to daycare, look for the best one you can afford. If your office has a daycare program, then that's the ideal route as you can even visit your child during breaks. Based on the state of most social institutions in this country, you don't want to let the government babysit them.
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