Monday, February 06, 2006

Violence Does Not Help the Poor

I've been pondering this for some time now. It concerns the now infamous rights group, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty. Is it just me, or are these people terrorists? They violently protest in order to help Toronto's poor, but are they really helping them?

First of all, I don't like the word poverty being used as an adjective for lower income people living in Toronto. They are not poor. Nine years ago, I went to Venezuela for a vacation. The hotel I was staying at was not far from the local slums. You are poor when you're house is cardboard and you're kids play in their own urin. You are poor when you cannot afford to get medical care for your dying child. You are poor when you cannot even get an education, or welfare. Lower income people are not poor as our country offers a basic standard of living. They have access to health care, education, welfare, and clean living spaces.

OCAP however seems to think that this isn't enough. They advocate the poor and often resort to violence to get their way. They think they have the right to protest. Peaceful protest is legal, but not violent protest. They are obviously confused. OCAP's political leanings tend to be fuzzy to. They seem communist, but they really aren't. Communism is for the working man, but they aren't. So what are they. They are simply a terrorist organization. Why, well they terrorize to get their way so they are indeed one. They are made up of very ideolistic but very confused young people.

OCAP has been in some pretty violent protests. There was the infamous one at Queens Park. Just today they engaged in a shouting match with the Health Minister. They wanted welfare rates to be increased more than 3%. What they neglect to tell you is welfare recipients get more money than my grandma gets from her pension, and unlike her, they get full medical not covered by OHIP. Seems to me welfare bums have it pretty sweet for somebody not working.

However, allow me to get to my original point as I've gotten off track. OCAPs often violent tactics actually distract from the people they claim to help. Governments don't listen to people like this. Other left wing organizations such as trade unions have even cut support for them. Lack of support doesn't help the less fortunate. If OCAP was so concerned about the poor, why don't they go out on the streets and into the shelters and soup kitchens to really make a difference? They won't because they are lazy trouble makers. We don't need these people in our society.
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1 comments: on "Violence Does Not Help the Poor"

Jim91 said...

If you check their website you will see the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty does much more than just protest.

I do like their housing affiliate site Ontario Tenants Rights and their attitude of being against getting government funding for the purpose of supporting their website and having their voices heard. They seem to criticize all political parties.