Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Danger of "Safe" Injection Sites

AIDS is a 100% preventable disease. Except in cases of rape and deception, most people who get it are unsanitary or careless.

The latest solution to help limit the disease is are these safe injection sites. Vancouver has them. What these sites do is provide clean needles for haroine addicts to use. A protest to be held later today will lobby the federal government to legalize these sites nation wide, with particular focus on Toronto. Stupid people in large groups are dangerous indeed.
The common argument against these sites is that it will encourage illegal drug use. It certainly will but this is not the problem. What it does is it gets government into the business of peddling drugs. An extremely dangerous precident.

It is estimated that up to 46 million people are infected with HIV. Though a horrible disease, it pales in comparison with the pandemic of drug addiction. Yet another 100% preventable health problem. Both ruin lives and kill. Though one cannot live relatively normally with drug addiction to the extent that people with AIDS can, thanks to new treatments.
This is what's wrong with safe injection sites. The bigger problem is not encouraging drug use, but rather encouraging people's addictions to them. Heroine is one of the most addictive known drugs. Giving them a place to inject is not going to solve the problem, it's only going to make addiction appear more socially acceptable. We must never get to that point. The only solution is to encourage these people to get off their addiction. Most probably do want to get off the junk, but don't know how. We need more money for addiction programs, not this crap that these protesters are proposing. If you still think there is nothing wrong with government's administering mind bending drugs, I can suggest several distopian books and movies in which that is the central theme, both real and fiction.
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