Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Harper No-Show at AIDS Conference: Who Cares?

The big thing in the media this week was why Prime Minister Steven Harper did not show up for the AIDS conference currently being held in Toronto. I guess it's been a slow news week. There's only so much one can talk about petty issues such as wars between Hezbolla and Isreal, and terror in the UK.

Socialists like to try to find every single fault in their right of center buddies. Fortunatley for us on the right side, we don't have to look for the faults of those on the left because they are so obvious, even blind people can see them plain as day.
Federal health minister Tony Clements has attended to conference to my knowledge. He is in charge of the portfolio that administers treatment for the disease. Does the Prime Minister really need to attend as well. According to non-Canadian Richard Gere, he does. Mr Gere probably had to consult Buddah, or more likely Google Maps to even find where Canada is so I hardly think he's in a possition to criticise our government. Typical Hollywood smug but unfortunately this demi-gods of tinsle town carry a lot of pull amoung the idiotic socialist proles. Now everybody has jumped on the bash Steve bandwagon, including, I believe, former US president and non-Canadian Bill Clinton. I'm sure if his wife wasn't running for president in 2008, he wouldn't be there.

The last time the AIDS conference was held in Canada was 1996. Apparently, then Prime Minister Jean Chretien did not attend either, yet he didn't receive the same amount of criticism. There is a huge double standard in the way we treat our politicians in this country. We should hold all government officials accountable yet it is simply not fair to criticise one leader for not attending, but not to criticise another.
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