Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Time To End Air Travel Restrictions

This is getting more silly by the day. Since last week, it is now illegal to carry liquids and gels onto a plane. Seniors and children even are not allowed to bring water or juice with them.

Restrictions on what can be carried aboard a plane is simply a sign of how flawed the security at airports is. It has long be known that explosives can be made in liquid for, yet they have just been banned. The big question is if this ban is really justified. I say it isn't. We are punishing an entire population of innocent people. We are not protecting them, but are simply taking away their civil liberties due to the incompetance of security officials. It won't be long before we won't be able to fly with anything in the cabin, including our clothes. Yep, we'll all be nakid.

El Al Israel airline doesn't have these bans. You'd think they'd be terrorism target #1 but they don't suffer from these problems. Why? They are carful of who they let on board. Yes, they profile. That seems to be a dirty word, profiling. However, it is a step we must take. We cannot keep punishing those who have done nothing as a few would choose to turn airplanes into weapons of murder. It is unlikely a 90 year old grandma from Saskatoon is going to strap a bomb to herself in the name of Mohammed and Allah. The odds of being involved in a terrorist attack are less than that of being hit by lightning.
The least disruptive way is to monitor those who get on board the plane, not by what they have on them, but rather who they are. More hightech security is also needed at airports such as chemical sniffers. Rather than ban stuff, just check for things that could be used by someone who might be a terrorist, and leave the rest alone.
Perhaps we should also redesign the planes while we are at it. Buses in Britain in the mid 20th century had a separate driver cab. We should do this with planes. Have cockpit and cabin separated by a solid bulkhead with separate doors. Make it so the cockpit can only be accessed from outside the plane. This would most certainly prevent hijackings. Systems such as gas could also incapacitate attackers in the cabin without harming them. This would be far more effective than simply taking away each and every right we have when we fly.
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