Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Commie Wars: Buzz vs Gore

The Harper Conservatives have found an unlikely ally. Buzz Hargrove, president of the CAW. Once again, the subject is environmentalism and how the issue has become out of control. This is perhaps the only time I agree with Buzz. He's predicting doom to the Canadian economy, especially the auto sector, if Al Gore and David Suzuki get their way. Rightly so. It's a bad time for selling cars in North America right now and American auto makers are struggling. Though I'm no economic expert, I think this is just the tip of the iceberg which will eventually lead to a recession in the auto industries of Japan and Europe as well. High taxes, high inflation, oh my.

The car, arguably the life blood of today's economy, has become public enemy number one for the likes of Gore and Suzuki. Obviously these two men are not gear heads. They've attacked everything from the family compact to your lawn mower. Even ethanol fueled vehicles haven't escaped. Buzz launched an attack against his fellow socialists stating that their environmental plans will cripple the auto industry, forcing the layoffs of possible thousands of workers. With that, you can kiss the likes of Oshawa, Windsor, and Brampton good bye as these cities rely on auto making too keep going. I guess that doesn't really matter to Gore. It doesn't seem to matter that killing industry will alienate a large part of the Democrats' voter base. I guess Gore hopes he can make that up by scaring others into electing him as president om 2008. Global warming is a rich persons, bandwagon issue.
Hargrove called the Conservatives environmental platform more realistic since it takes the economy into account rather than totally ignoring it which the Liberals and NDP have done. Though I suppose if the economy collapsed, we would have reduced emissions. I guess that's their plan. I still think the Conservative plan goes to far. Banning incandecent light bulbs comes to mind. There are many appliances and fixtures that use special bulbs where more energy efficient replacements aren't available. These energy efficient models don't work with dimmers either. I'm off on a tangent now though.

Hargrove likened global warming to Y2K. Remember that. The disaster that wasn't. It became an industry out of people's fear that the world would end. Indeed, global warming has become an industry, and a powerful political machine. As I said, Gore is just in it for the presidency. Suzuki, well, he's just another idiot who was wrongly given a PHD. I'm not sure what his political motives are but I know they are playing a major role.
Gore himself is really starting to bother me. Where's an assassin when you need one. He has the nerve to come into Canada and starts telling us how we should run out country. Rot in hell Mr Gore. Don't bring your election campaign north of the border. At least Hargrove has become an unlikely ally from the socialist side. He seems to be one of the few people who isn't afraid to point out the hoax that global warming actually is. We need more people like that if we want to stop this apocalypse madness.
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