Thursday, May 17, 2007

Justin Trudeau: So It's Come To This Again

Pierre Trudeau was Canada's worst Prime Minister. Definitely debatable but true none the less. The laughing stock that Canada became under the Chretien government all roots back to Canada's most questionable political figure. A staunch communist, with friends such as Fidel Castro, Turdeau latched onto the Liberal party as a ploy for power. While there, he did such memorable things as flip the bird to reporters and made smart ass comments. Hardly appropriate for somebody at his level of education, power, and responsibility. It took far to long to get that joke out of office and he seemed to keep coming back like a bad cold. The man died seven years ago. Good riddance, or so we though.

Now we come full circle to a politician who is just arrogant. No, not Chretien. Though Trudeau was Chretien's mentor, he was more interested in furthering his own goals and could hardly be called a communist. No, I'm taking about Trudeau's son Justin. He's now running for office under his father's old Liberal banner. Justin will be running in the next election in the ridding of Pappineau, Quebec. Perhaps the Liberals believe he will revitalize the party as Stephane Dion has proven to be an ineffective and unpopular leader. I caution them that this is a path they do not want to go down again. Considering that Trudeau and his lackey's antics didn't save the party but doomed it to loose. Twice to Mulroney and now to Harper.

Still, the Turdeaus have become Canada's unofficial royal family, for some largly unknown reason. Sure, he did give us the Charter of Rights but even it has its flaws. Native special treatment and legalizing affirmative action come to mind. Other than that, he did relatively little to make Canada a great nation. Arguably, the slump and malaise began during his rule as Prime Minister. Now here comes Justin, seemingly at the right time. Justin though is simply an echo, a clone of his father. He even continues the legacy of questionable actions. While in Windsor recently, Justin Trudeau gave a speech to high school students telling them to question our capitalist economy and suggested that it would bring the downfall of this country. He has suggested that our environmental and social justice records have deteriorated. Is this true? Of course not! Canada is wealthier than it ever has been and is still the sixth best country in the world to live in according to the UN. The UN cites lingering problems with aboriginals as part of our decline from first, though the top five are countries that have been developing very rapidly over recent years. We are still ahead of the US and Japan and we are still one of the eight richest countries in the world. We successfully eliminated poverty in our country years ago. We must be doing something right.

Justin, like his father, is a communist that is just latching onto the Liberals because he knows he would never make it to power as a member of the Communist Party, or NDP. Personally, I think the NDP would feel a little uncomfortable with his ideas as they are very far left. Like his father, he is a friend of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. We all know how well those people are living it up in communist paradise. If the Liberals are smart, they'll keep this man from getting any serious power in their party. God forbid if he ever were to become Prime Minister. I'd head south for good at that point.
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