Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Yet Another Liberal Scandal

When will Canadians get the message. When you elect Liberal governments, they naturally turn to corruption. Once again, we have another scandal. Ontario's sponsorship scandal. It seems that the Ontario Liberals were handing out tax payer dollars to Liberal friendly immigrant groups. One in particular was an Iranian charity that received a huge pile of money only a few weeks after it was registered as a charity. Before, it claimed to be an animal welfare group. Come on.

This is a case of buying votes. Many immigrants will tend to be lifelong voters of the political party that does the most "favours" for their community. The Liberals buying votes? Wow, as if that's never happened before. The Liberals just can't seem to help themselves from sticking their hands in the cookie jar. In the mean time, Canadians are paying record high taxes while services are decreasing. All we're paying half our salaries for is so Liberal governments can waste money on administration and slush funds to help their friends. Of course, Finance Minister Sobara dismissed the issue as an election tactic by the opposition.
What's worse is that Canadians simply just tolerate this kind of behavior with nonsense comments like "better the devil you know." I think I'd rather take my chances by voting in somebody different that to have my hard earned money being handed out to shady special interest groups. Remember that this is the same government who broke all their election promises including levying the largest tax increase in Ontario history after they said they wouldn't raise taxes at all. On average, you have $900 less in your bank account at the end of the year due to that "health premium". (It's hidden in your income tax so it was actually an income tax increase.) Has health care improved on account? No.
Quit being so spineless my fellow Canadians. Open your eyes and see the fraudsters that these people really are.
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