Thursday, June 28, 2007

Lakeview Demolition Symbol of McGuinty Failure

Today, demolitions are planned for the old Lakeview coal fired plant in Mississauga, ON. In many ways, Lakeview is a symbol of the incompetence of McGuinty's Liberals as well as the energy crisis in this province.

Back in 2003, McGuinty promised that all coal fired plants in Ontario would be shut down by 2007. Well, it's 2007 now and they're all open save one. However, just taking that one power plant off the grid has created an energy crisis. Every hot day in the summer, the electricity operators are literally praying for rain. Further feeding the crisis and displaying the incompetence of local and provincial governments is the out of control development. Each year, thousands of new houses and condos are being put up where we barely have enough electricity for the ones that already exist. Therefore, the province has to rely on fear tactics (threatening rotating blackouts) and forced conservation (smart meters) because there simply is not enough to go around. We live in a digital age in which we rely on electricity. Our economy relies on it yet governments have no interest in improving the system, just charging more and telling us to use less.

Once again, the biggest problem is the fear of investment in infrastructure. Windmills and solar panels simply cannot provide the electricity we need. They are expensive and inefficient. We need nuclear plants. We also cannot be shutting down coal fired plants either for the same of reducing smog and "global warming".
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