Monday, June 04, 2007

No New Taxes: Like We Haven't Heard That Before

I have no idea who Ontario Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty has working on his press team but I think they need to be fired. Either that or McGuinty really is as stupid as I think he is. Dalton McGuinty has announced that if he were reelected, there would be no new taxes for Ontarians.
This is the same man who declared before the October 2003 election that we would not have to pay a penny more under a Liberal government then we would under a Conservative one. He then proceeded to levy the largest tax increase in Ontario history in his first budget. McGuinty was aware of the deficit situation well before he made the no new taxes promise yet refused to retract his statement until after he was voted in. This was just one in a long list of broken promises the Liberals made.

Arguably, McGuinty was only elected because people were fed up of the Mike Harris Conservatives. Running on a platform for change, when elected, McGuinty failed to deliver. The situation in Ontario has not improved and in some cases has gotten worse. McGuinty says he's being honest this time when he says no new taxes but why should we believe that? He's given us no reason too. He's a weak leader and that's not simply because he's Liberal but his personal character has shown that time and time again.

So here's my election prediction. Polls are showing an even tie between Liberals and Conservatives with the NDP making up the bulk of the difference. Ontario is going to have a minority government come October. I don't think there is any way that will change between now and then. Based on the stubborness of Canadians to blindly follow the Liberal party, I'm predicting a short lived Liberal minority. If the Conservatives do win, their minority will also be short lived. Unlike the federal parliament, which has four parties, with the Bloc currently holding the balance of power, that's not the case in Ontario. The NDP is too ideologically different from both parties, though they would be more likely to side with the Liberals. The Liberal minority will last longer but not four years.
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