Thursday, June 28, 2007

Natives Have Rights, But Not To Special Treatment

Native Canadians are planning to block highways and rail lines on Friday in order to protest slow movement on land claims. This irresponsible act just shows what goes on in the minds of these people. The basically think that all of Canada owns them something because us evil white men supposedly raped their land. Every time I hear that, it makes me laugh. How I can be blamed for something that happened when my family was still digging in their own waste in jolly old England.

Studying Canadian politics, I cannot help but come across a wide variety of academic papers that argue in favour of native land rights. The media often puts forth the views of these talking heads as something that is shared by the majority of Canadians. The people I've talked to who come from all walks of life and across the political spectrum don't seem to agree. My view is that Natives do not and should not have land rights that go beyond those of the average Canadian. Who owns this country anyway? I would argue those who fund it to keep it operating, which is the tax payer. Natives don't even pay tax on land, or on anything else for that matter. Yet somehow, we always seem to be at the whim of backwards thinking radicals within the aboriginal community who seem to view all other Canadians in a unjustifiably negative and racist light. Considering that we're pretty much paying to keep them afloat because they have refused to adapt to the modern world. If they want the land they claim, they should buy it in the same way everyone else has to. No more freebies.
As for the protests, I hope my fellow Canadians would ignore these children, since that's what they are. In a civilized country, we don't block roads because we have grievences with the government. Now I'm not saying that all aboriginals are like this because they are not, but the system we are keeping them under is harmful. It keeps them trapped in their lot simply because they have no incentives to work. Maybe if we started making them pay for things, they'd finally have some motivation to improve themselves. The reserve system and land handouts is worse than welfare.

As for these radicals, the military should get involved. Obviously the OPP is too incompetent to deal with them.
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