Thursday, July 05, 2007

Boycott Li(v)e Earth

As I'm sure most of you know, Al Gore is putting on a little concert this Saturday. Yet another one in the "Live" series (Live Aid, Live 8, etc). This latest shindig is in order to fight Global Warming. If you've been reading this blog long enough, I think you can guess what my take on this is. Global Warming, the fake crisis. All this concert amounts to is simply a massive political rally for Al Gore's run for office in 2008. If not that, then its simply for money and publicity to make a round of celebrities and their pathetic fans feel good about themselves.

Though I'm a big advocate for free speech, I do feel that this recent rash of politically motivated concerts is not a positive thing. They distort the issues either by making them seem more serious than they really are, or in the case of Live Earth, put forth issues that don't even exist. They also can serve to trivialize important issues as well, as in the case of Live 8, which accomplished nothing in the end. For Live 8, I think it would have made more sense to mobilize fans on a grassroots campaign to get them out in the field, rather than "harassing" politicians by listening to crappy music. I think the South Park episode "Die Hippie, Die", which aired in 2005, illustrates this attitude pretty well. As character Stan Marsh pointed out "Maybe instead of complaining about corporations being selfish, we should look at ourselves. I mean, is there anything more selfish than doing nothing but getting high and listening to music all day long?" In other words, these people have all kinds of great ideas on how to fix the world but they're too apathetic to do anything about it.

As for Live Earth, I believe it to be no more than a massive political publicity stunt by Mr Gore. One of the primary reasons he lost the presidency in 2000 was due to lack of Charisma. Through this, my guess would be, is to try and connect with young voters, to mobilize them en mass. Something the other candidates are not doing. Gore claims he's not running for office though his recent actions sure do look like a political campaign to me. He's found the perfect issue and now he's brainwashing people to make himself and his fellow tree huggers look like the only saviors we have from the evil global warming menace. Therefore, I'm asking people to show their support for the truth and boycott these concerts. Don't let your money fund their political machine.
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