Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Evironmentalists Gloat But Still no Consensus

Environmentalists are gloating today thanks to a new study that shows that "climate change" is not being caused by cosmic rays emitted from the sun. This was one possible theory to explain the cause of a slight increase in global temperatures. As a result, the greenies are using this study to reaffirm their "consensus". However, the cosmic ray theory never was a widely supported theory to begin with. There is also definative proof that man made carbon dioxide also has not caused the temperature increase. I feel this is likely an attempt by the greenies to cajole critics by making it seem like they're trying to establish a debate. A common criticism against them has been that if they believe in their findings, why aren't they encouraging debate to prove that they're right. Therefore they pick the weakest argument that everyone knows is the weakest argument and publish it to the media as a chance to say "I told you so." However, their own arguments are fairly weak and strong historical records back up a case against man made global warming.

There has never been consensus in science. What makes this any different?
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