Friday, October 30, 2009

Bring Out Your Dead!

"Cattle!" I exclaimed watching the news today of long line-ups for H1N1 flu shots across Toronto. There have been varying reports of wait times to get the vaccine. Two hours at the International Centre, and I could of sworn I heard 7 hours at one clinic. The City of Toronto has exploded into full on Swine Flu hysteria. People are cutting in line in front of the vulnerable, they're pulling their kids out of school, they're flooding the ERs for every minor ailment, and they're freaking out if anyone coughs or sneezes. Well, at least that's what the news was saying.

Walking along Front Street to the CBC building on an dreary Wednesday morning, everything seems to be moving along as normal, or as normal as Toronto gets. Aside from the hand sanitizers and various workplace safety posters scattered around, there was nothing to indicate the hysteria on the news. I don't for a second doubt that it's not happening. I must admit the panic over H1N1 has taken me back somewhat. You'd think this was a full on mass outbreak of the Bubonic Plague or Small Pox. Anyone see The Omega Man or 28 Days Later?

Taken back yes, but surprised no. The UN's World Health Organization has been stoking Swine Flu as the next big pandemic that would replicate the 50 million dead from the Spanish Flu in 1918. The Swine Flu has killed 6,000 people worldwide so far. This is considerably less than the 250,000 to 500,000 the Seasonal Flu kills over the same six month period. Governments and the media have done an excellent job in containing H1N1 but have failed on maintaining public calm.

The disease is not what I would call a pandemic. It's just the regular flu. However, governments and the media have been pushing people to this panicked state. When a 14 year old Toronto boy died of it this week, that was the spark that ignited the powder keg of panic that had been festering for some time.

The problem with this is that the Swine Flu will peter out like any other Seasonal Flu. People will look back at it and say "we got all worked up over that?" It's not the first pandemic the WHO panicked about and got wrong. Remember how the H5N1 Bird Flu was going to be the end of us? Repeated false pandemics highlight the need for restraint on the part of global and national health bodies. Of course you want to contain a disease before it becomes a pandemic. However, if you panic and it doesn't pan out, the public will eventually stop believing you. It's the classic Boy Who Cried Wolf dilemma.

Governments need to act with calm reserve in these cases to make sure people who are at highest risk get treated first. The massive rush of sheep to the immunization centres is an example of a colossal failure on the government's part. Since panic was openly encouraged, people who had no business getting the shot were cutting the line. Now there is a shortage of vaccine for the people who do need it most.

Our society is really in a shameful state if we just go to pieces over nothing like this. Hopefully, we'll learn from our mistakes next time.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

GW Sceptics Must Become More Organized

I was reading an article about how 150 climate change activists disrupted Parliament this week, chanting that the government wasn't doing enough to stop the looming "disaster". In the past couple of years, the argument in favour of man made (anthropogenic) global warming has been whittled away. When the infamous "hockey stick" graph was proven to be fraudulent, this was a major blow the pro side. Then came the revelation that the planet has not warmed at all in the past decade. Then it came out that NASA had been allegedly duplicating data to make climate change appear worse than it actually was. The list of scientists now opposing the pro side has also grown enormously. Despite, and likely because of all this, those in favour of the man made theory have steadily grown more vocal and are becoming more militant.

The whole goal for a lot of these groups is to create a new radical-socialist world order. It's not as if they have tried to hide that fact. The rhetoric about changing the way we live and redistributing wealth to poorer nations for green initiatives comes up in just about any major climate change discussion. Governments who oppose it, such as Canada and the United States, have been labelled as "outcasts" on the world stage. We've all seen what these radical changes can do though. Climate initiatives have played a huge role in destroying Britain's economy, long before the recession hit. We're risking our livelihood and way of life by handing over the reigns of power to these crackpots that keep telling us the sky is falling.

It's high time the sceptics began to get more vocal. We've tried to hatch things out individually or in small groups over the years. Still, we don't have anywhere near the level of organization and funding that Greenpeace, PETA, and the IPCC have. We as sceptics must create our own anti-Greenpeace. An NGO that pushes for a halt to disastrous green programs and pushes for scientific truth. We have no idea what is really happening because so much of the argument in favour of anthropogenic global warming has been built on false or poorly researched information. If these people push, there must be at least an equally large organization to push back. We sceptics don't hate the environment, far from it. However, we do hate the spin and perversion of human rights and democracy in the name of averting a fake disaster. Humanity is arrogant to think it can change the weather. The time to act is now.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Climate is Changing: Hell Has Frozen Over

Satan himself has laced up his ice skates this week to practice his triple sow cows on the frosty Phlegethon. The BBC has admitted that the world has not warmed 1998, in line with what climate sceptics have been saying for years. They even go as far as saying that the climate models were wrong. However, the BBC was quick to note that the "real" scientists expect warming to start back up again soon.

What happened to global warming?

The BBC is well known for their unrelenting support of the pro-AGW argument, despite claiming not to have a "bias, U-Turn, or agenda" on the subject. This is probably the first article I've seen that takes the anti-AGW side that doesn't patronize the sceptics, well at least for the first half. If they actually took the time to post an actual fact on the subject, you know things are starting to look bad for Al and Company.

Despite this admission, the BBC took the time to post this scary article that arctic ice will disappear in the next 10 years.

Arctic to Be 'Ice Free in Summer'

Satellite imagery has shown that the arctic ice sheets have in fact been growing. 2009 also boasted one of the coldest summers in recent memory despite climatologists predicting record breaking heat waves back in the spring. Autumn was also expected to be warmer than normal. October, in Ontario anyway, has been unseasonably cool, with temperatures half of what they normally are. Climate change is now considered the least important issue in the United States, suggesting that people are loosing faith in what pro-AGW scientists and activists are saying. All we have to do is cut off their gravy train to put this issue to bed once and for all. Easier said than done.

Obama's Peace Prize After Some Thought

I've gotten over the initial shock of Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. To quote the prize committee themselves, he was given the award "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." When you look at Obama's foreign policy, there's really nothing spectacular there. Other than a watered down speech to the Muslim world back in June, he really has not accomplished anything in terms of foreign relations. There's a lot of rhetoric here, such as his stance on Cuba, but not much action. In reality, his contributions to world peace are few and rather inconsequential. Most of his work has focused on domestic issues. Contrast to the other US presidential laureate, Jimmy Carter. Agree with him or not, he has done a great deal of work in the field of foreign relations throughout the last three decades.

Obama's own shock at receiving the award speaks volumes. The real question now is why he got it in the first place. The prize committee's reasoning is purposefully vague. His efforts certainly weren't extraordinary. As I said, he hasn't focused on foreign policy a great deal. When he has, the world hasn't exactly expressed a great deal of confidence. Coalition nations lament the Oval Office's perceived apathy on the Afghan mission as one example.

Those in charge of the Nobels have admitted that the politics does in fact play a role in choosing the recipients. So who are these committee members? The five member panel is chosen by the Norwegian government. The panel chair is Thorbjørn Jagland, a leading member of the socialist Norwegian Labour Party. It is the country's the current ruling party. Two of the five members belong to the Labour Party, another belongs to the Socialist Left Party, though the remaining two are conservatives. Norway is one of the most left leaning countries in Europe. It's no surprise that they'd support one of the furthest left presidents America has seen. Despite that, there are plenty of other people further on the left that they could have awarded the prize to.

I don't think the prize was awarded to Obama just because he's Obama, Mr. Awesome himself. I cannot help but feel this is all a jab at George W. Bush. He is largely accredited by the left of turning America into an aggressive ultra-nationalist power hated the world over. Hell, whoever replaces him would automatically make the world more peaceful, right? As silly as that sounds, it's most likely the real reason why they chose Obama. Simply because he's not Bush. His goal is to make America into a soft power, which the socialist-left likes. It's just another case of the lefties doing what they do best: patting each other on the back.

Update: It seems the two Labour members forced the prize through. The two right wingers and the Socialist Left Party member objected to the decision made by Jagland.
Source: Reuters

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Best Political Shows: Penn & Teller's Bullshit

I thought I'd do a rundown on some of the best political shows on TV. Not the serious programs for a change but instead those that make light of politics. Today, we're looking at Penn & Teller's Bullshit. The show airs on The Movie Network's main station (Bell TV channel 300/840) Thursdays at 11pm.

In Bullshit, Penn Jilette and his partner Teller take commonly held beliefs and debunk them. The show is unabashedly biased with a heavy libertarian slant. The show always keeps this out in the open though, unlike so many others. The episodes follow a current affairs documentary format with a comic twist. Use of swearing, crude jokes, and even nudity are all there to prove a point. In a typical episode Penn & Teller will take a misconception or controversial topic, express their viewpoint, and interview those who support & oppose them. The show tends to take a far deeper look at people who do not support their argument. The duo then make fun of them and support their position with facts presented in an academic manner.

The show has covered topics ranging from silly misconceptions such as colonics, lawns, and hair, to more serious topics such as terrorism, cults, drugs, and climate change. It's different from the usual current affairs shows as it mixes serious issues with humour without being overbearing. It's also rare in that it's overtly biased but neither conservative or liberal. Teller has admitted that the duo think their own show is bullshit in that regard, which will likely be the focus of their final episode. However, the show is vary fair in its presentation. Bullshit won a Writers Guild of America award for best comedy/talk show in 2004 and has been nominated for Emmy Awards for outstanding reality and writing several years running. It's one of the best current affairs shows on TV right now and is definitely worth checking out.

Here's one full episode from Season 2 about People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It's been broken down into four parts. Below is part one.


Friday, October 09, 2009

Obama Wins Peace Prize?

Even the liberals I know were scratching their heads over this one. Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize. What did he do? "Gave hope for peace." Right... He hasn't done anything, at all, except show up to work. I think it's time we did away with the peace prize. The Nobel Prize was originally supposed to award people in the field of science. At this point, the peace prize has only serves to represent the Nobel Committee's political soapbox. How would you feel if you were a top diplomat brokering major peace deals and got passed up for the likes of Obama, or Al Gore. Well, at least with Obama, they're pretending he did something to advance world peace. I still can't figure out why they felt Gore deserved it.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

An Ground Shaking Observation

Just a thought running through my mind lately given the recent tragedies in South-East Asia. There's one thing that particularly worries me though. You'd be surprised at how many people think tsunamis are caused by anthropogenic global warming. I've run into this misconception a few times now. I find that it's most often "educated" people that hold this belief. Tsunamis are the result of undersea earth quakes. Earth quakes are caused by activity deep under the Earth's crust, far out of reach of the influence of man and the atmosphere. All planets with a molten core are subject to quakes.

Anyway, if you want to donate to disaster relief in Asia, you can go to the Red Cross Website.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Things I've Learned...

We each have our own life experiences, here's a few things I've learned in mine...

-People believe what they want to believe:
In other words, it's difficult to convince people you're right and they're wrong, and vice versa.

-Love yourself unconditionally, because nobody else does:
All our relationships in life come with strings attached. If you don't love yourself, who else will?

-Life doesn't reward those who wait:
People spend their entire lives waiting and where does it get them? It gets them a book of lost dreams as thick as the NYC phone directory. Seize the day.

-Don't take anything at face value:
Just because someone isn't lying doesn't mean they're telling the truth.

-Don't be afraid to challenge your beliefs:
Goes with the above.

-Money talks:
Everyone has a price, make sure you set yours high.

-Faith is a crutch:
Some need it, some don't. There is nothing wrong with either as long as you don't become over zealous about it. Those that do are the true lost souls.

-People are always looking for ways to label you a deviant:
Whenever you engage in an activity or relationship that certain political stripes don't approve of, you'll always get attacked for it. The attacks don't always come from the usual suspects either.

-Try the wine:
Eat well, eat plenty, eat with friends. It's there isn't it?

-We're all going to die eventually:
Don't get worked up about all these "studies" that label common household objects as potential killers, or that the apocalypse is coming. At best, you're only delaying the inevitable by maybe a day or two max. You're more likely to die of confusion first.

-Japanese people are weird and uptight:
...but they still know how to have fun, and they don't care that the rest of the world thinks they're strange.

-Give me liberty or give me death:
I'd rather be destitute and free, instead of rich and under the boot of some despot

-Deadlines are for sissies:
Better the job be late and right than wrong and on time

-Gotta make the morning last:
Slow down and make time for yourself. You're not there to serve everyone's beckon call 24/7.

-Can't buy me love:
Wanting to be kind and caring for a woman you like doesn't win you girlfriends these days. In my experience, few take notice and fewer care. However, it still feels a heck of a lot better than the alternatives.

-Some breathing room:
Seems to me that most relationships end because one partner refuses to accept the other as an individual. It's ok to go your separate ways, have separate lives and friends, as long as you're back together in love at the end of the day.

-You can't spell shallow without hallow:
Despite what conventional Hollywood wisdom tells us, relationships based on sex are hallow and will never succeed.

-Some people exist just to piss you and everyone else off:
So you might as well have a little fun and make their lives a living hell while you're at it.

-I take that personally!:
Canadian politics is a never ending battle over who can shout the loudest, or who can claim to be the most offended.

-"I am a man who does not exist for others."
From The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand

-It's ok to be afraid
A fear of hurting the ones you care about can create road blocks in your life, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

-Have a hug:
Hug someone you care about at least once a day

-Death is not liberating:
Live life as if there is no heaven. You probably won't see those people again, so cherish what you do have.

-Laugh at other people's failures...
...because they're definitely laughing at yours.

-It's never a good time to keep your mouth shut:
Debate is mankind's greatest gift. Nothing is ever settled.