Saturday, October 03, 2009

Things I've Learned...

We each have our own life experiences, here's a few things I've learned in mine...

-People believe what they want to believe:
In other words, it's difficult to convince people you're right and they're wrong, and vice versa.

-Love yourself unconditionally, because nobody else does:
All our relationships in life come with strings attached. If you don't love yourself, who else will?

-Life doesn't reward those who wait:
People spend their entire lives waiting and where does it get them? It gets them a book of lost dreams as thick as the NYC phone directory. Seize the day.

-Don't take anything at face value:
Just because someone isn't lying doesn't mean they're telling the truth.

-Don't be afraid to challenge your beliefs:
Goes with the above.

-Money talks:
Everyone has a price, make sure you set yours high.

-Faith is a crutch:
Some need it, some don't. There is nothing wrong with either as long as you don't become over zealous about it. Those that do are the true lost souls.

-People are always looking for ways to label you a deviant:
Whenever you engage in an activity or relationship that certain political stripes don't approve of, you'll always get attacked for it. The attacks don't always come from the usual suspects either.

-Try the wine:
Eat well, eat plenty, eat with friends. It's there isn't it?

-We're all going to die eventually:
Don't get worked up about all these "studies" that label common household objects as potential killers, or that the apocalypse is coming. At best, you're only delaying the inevitable by maybe a day or two max. You're more likely to die of confusion first.

-Japanese people are weird and uptight:
...but they still know how to have fun, and they don't care that the rest of the world thinks they're strange.

-Give me liberty or give me death:
I'd rather be destitute and free, instead of rich and under the boot of some despot

-Deadlines are for sissies:
Better the job be late and right than wrong and on time

-Gotta make the morning last:
Slow down and make time for yourself. You're not there to serve everyone's beckon call 24/7.

-Can't buy me love:
Wanting to be kind and caring for a woman you like doesn't win you girlfriends these days. In my experience, few take notice and fewer care. However, it still feels a heck of a lot better than the alternatives.

-Some breathing room:
Seems to me that most relationships end because one partner refuses to accept the other as an individual. It's ok to go your separate ways, have separate lives and friends, as long as you're back together in love at the end of the day.

-You can't spell shallow without hallow:
Despite what conventional Hollywood wisdom tells us, relationships based on sex are hallow and will never succeed.

-Some people exist just to piss you and everyone else off:
So you might as well have a little fun and make their lives a living hell while you're at it.

-I take that personally!:
Canadian politics is a never ending battle over who can shout the loudest, or who can claim to be the most offended.

-"I am a man who does not exist for others."
From The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand

-It's ok to be afraid
A fear of hurting the ones you care about can create road blocks in your life, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

-Have a hug:
Hug someone you care about at least once a day

-Death is not liberating:
Live life as if there is no heaven. You probably won't see those people again, so cherish what you do have.

-Laugh at other people's failures...
...because they're definitely laughing at yours.

-It's never a good time to keep your mouth shut:
Debate is mankind's greatest gift. Nothing is ever settled.
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