Monday, October 12, 2009

The Best Political Shows: Penn & Teller's Bullshit

I thought I'd do a rundown on some of the best political shows on TV. Not the serious programs for a change but instead those that make light of politics. Today, we're looking at Penn & Teller's Bullshit. The show airs on The Movie Network's main station (Bell TV channel 300/840) Thursdays at 11pm.

In Bullshit, Penn Jilette and his partner Teller take commonly held beliefs and debunk them. The show is unabashedly biased with a heavy libertarian slant. The show always keeps this out in the open though, unlike so many others. The episodes follow a current affairs documentary format with a comic twist. Use of swearing, crude jokes, and even nudity are all there to prove a point. In a typical episode Penn & Teller will take a misconception or controversial topic, express their viewpoint, and interview those who support & oppose them. The show tends to take a far deeper look at people who do not support their argument. The duo then make fun of them and support their position with facts presented in an academic manner.

The show has covered topics ranging from silly misconceptions such as colonics, lawns, and hair, to more serious topics such as terrorism, cults, drugs, and climate change. It's different from the usual current affairs shows as it mixes serious issues with humour without being overbearing. It's also rare in that it's overtly biased but neither conservative or liberal. Teller has admitted that the duo think their own show is bullshit in that regard, which will likely be the focus of their final episode. However, the show is vary fair in its presentation. Bullshit won a Writers Guild of America award for best comedy/talk show in 2004 and has been nominated for Emmy Awards for outstanding reality and writing several years running. It's one of the best current affairs shows on TV right now and is definitely worth checking out.

Here's one full episode from Season 2 about People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It's been broken down into four parts. Below is part one.

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