Tuesday, October 27, 2009

GW Sceptics Must Become More Organized

I was reading an article about how 150 climate change activists disrupted Parliament this week, chanting that the government wasn't doing enough to stop the looming "disaster". In the past couple of years, the argument in favour of man made (anthropogenic) global warming has been whittled away. When the infamous "hockey stick" graph was proven to be fraudulent, this was a major blow the pro side. Then came the revelation that the planet has not warmed at all in the past decade. Then it came out that NASA had been allegedly duplicating data to make climate change appear worse than it actually was. The list of scientists now opposing the pro side has also grown enormously. Despite, and likely because of all this, those in favour of the man made theory have steadily grown more vocal and are becoming more militant.

The whole goal for a lot of these groups is to create a new radical-socialist world order. It's not as if they have tried to hide that fact. The rhetoric about changing the way we live and redistributing wealth to poorer nations for green initiatives comes up in just about any major climate change discussion. Governments who oppose it, such as Canada and the United States, have been labelled as "outcasts" on the world stage. We've all seen what these radical changes can do though. Climate initiatives have played a huge role in destroying Britain's economy, long before the recession hit. We're risking our livelihood and way of life by handing over the reigns of power to these crackpots that keep telling us the sky is falling.

It's high time the sceptics began to get more vocal. We've tried to hatch things out individually or in small groups over the years. Still, we don't have anywhere near the level of organization and funding that Greenpeace, PETA, and the IPCC have. We as sceptics must create our own anti-Greenpeace. An NGO that pushes for a halt to disastrous green programs and pushes for scientific truth. We have no idea what is really happening because so much of the argument in favour of anthropogenic global warming has been built on false or poorly researched information. If these people push, there must be at least an equally large organization to push back. We sceptics don't hate the environment, far from it. However, we do hate the spin and perversion of human rights and democracy in the name of averting a fake disaster. Humanity is arrogant to think it can change the weather. The time to act is now.
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