Monday, March 23, 2009

Captain Planet's Secret Identity Revealed! It's David Miller

With the power of fire, earth, water, wind, and heart, the Toronto Councilteers put their rings together and summon the ultimate protector of Mother Gaia: Captain Planet, er... David Miller. The Toronto Environmentalist Alliance (as a side note, what is the left wing obsession with using the word "alliance" in the names of their organizations) released it's report dubbing Toronto to be the greenest city in the country. They took the time to rank each councillors actions on the environment. Not surprisingly, David "Captain Planet" Miller got an A+ for his eco work. So did the rest of his inner circle of cronies such as Joe Pantalone, Carol Shelly, and Adam Vaughn. The lowest ranked councillors, all with an F grade include Rob Ford, Case Ootes, Doug Holyday, Denzel Minnan-Wong. Ironically, these men are the conservative members of the council so there's obviously no partisan politics behind this report. Well, it's good to know that Miller has some supporters. The TEA is applauding the mayor's non-working hybrid buses and it's project to have 25% of city facilities powered by renewable resources. The group though complains there is too much red tape for green programs to get through. I find that odd considering the council had no problem handing the mayor $125,000 for his London, UK climate office. I guess the environmentalists have no problem spending tax dollars of a cash strapped city on ineffective $10,000 a peice solar panels. These people have their heads so far up their backsides, they can see the organic tofu they just ate.
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