Monday, March 23, 2009

FOX Makes Jackass of Self.... Again

FOX News is controversial to put it lightly. It is currently the only major conservative TV news station within the United States. The network has come under fire once again, this time for insensitive remarks about Canadians in Afghanistan made on program Red Eye. According to Wikipedia, Red Eye, hosted by Greg Gutfeld, is a late night comedy show that airs on the 24-hour news channel. Gutfeld blasted Canada for saying it wanted to take a break from Afghanistan after its mission was over in 2011. Well, it's hard to put into text exactly what he said so I'll let Mr. Gutfeld speak for himself.

Now it's easy to get outraged by this, especially since it was aired just after four brave Canadians lost their lives when a roadside bomb exploded in Kandahar. The statement is insensitive at best and ignorant at worst. However, I really can't get too upset by this. Red Eye is a comedy show primarily, not a news program. Plus it airs at 3 AM. In all likelyhood, vary few Americans watched this broadcast. It only came to the attention of us here north of 40 when the clip, aired last week, appeared on Youtube. The question is whether Gutfeld is alone among Americans. Do they even realize how much Canada is contributing to the war effort over there? A hell of a lot more than they are. Canada was essentially left holding the bag while the US went off to fight Iraq. Afghanistan went from hunting Osama Bin Landen and bringing him to justice to some hack kneed nation building exercise. Most of our boys have been killed by these IEDs rather than in actual battle. Little progress is being made to fix this backwards country and war supporters, including Steven Harper, admit that it is unwinnable in the conventional sense. I think we need to take a long, hard look not at why we went there to begin with (which in my opinion was a just cause) but why we are still there now. It's starting to look like we're wasting our time. Our military is still badly underfunded and under-equipped so we do indeed need a break from the fight to reorganize ourselves. If the United States wants Canada to keep involved in Afghanistan, they're going to have to start pulling their weight there.
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