Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Economic Fear Mongering

Ex-Bank of Canada governor David Dodge thinks that anyone who thinks the economy isn't in a deep depression is "living in a technocolour dream world". Where do they find these retards? I've already commented on this topic but I thought the Dodge comments are worth mentioning. Something else struck to me while I was thinking about this today that's so obvious I'm not sure why I didn't think about it before. There's a lot of money to be made from these statements. Spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the economy, stocks go down, buy premium shares cheap, make a fortune when they go back up. No conflict of interest here. I'm sure everybody else has probably figured this out already; I'm a bit slow at times. Then again, I already knew the high rollers were playing these games, this is just a new tactic. The media is a bit slow too for not realizing this or any of the other games being played with our lives. How do you stop this? Government regulation? No, it's time to start exposing these idiots for the idiots that they are.

Anyway, here's the story on CNEWS.
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