Monday, March 09, 2009

Global Warming: We Hardly Knew Ye

Well, that's it, Anthropogenic Global Warming is officially dead. Well, that's what anybody with half a brain wants to here. Well, it's not completely gone away but the theory has been dealt a major blow in recent months. Fellow Canadian conservative blogger Steven Janke, now writing for the National Post, refers to an article that states global warming has stopped dead in its tracks. According to Discovery News (US equivalent to Daily Planet. Jay Ingram is a huge advocate of the AGW theory incidentally), a new study in Geophysics Research Letters notes that global warming has stopped and that the Earth is actually cooling. Following a 30-year warming trend, global temperatures have remained stable since 2001 despite rising greenhouse gasses and "a heat surplus that should have cranked up the planetary thermostat."

Scientists are suggesting that the Earth may not warm again for another 30 years but are warning people that the temperature may "explode" in the decades following due to our polluting ways. They're calling the three decade pause just a hiccup. Aside from this prediction defying physics, it opens the window into the thought process of the pro-AGW camp. 30 years of warming represents a calamity and a solid, undisputable trend, where as 30 years of cooling is just an anomaly. Give it up people, you were wrong. Just admit it. This is what happens when politics rules over science. You get lots of money shoved in the face of a chic theory and of course people are going to start fudging the data and using inaccurate modeling in order to ensure that money keeps coming. I conservatively estimate that at least half a trillion dollars has been flushed down the drain on global warming in this decade alone. It's ironic that people bawk at spending that kind of money to save their jobs but they don't blink at spending it on a false theory.

Source: National Post
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