Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Idiots Hall of Shame: April & May

We had a lot of idiots for these two months so I'm archiving them early to make more room.

May Inductees
John Lennon & Yoko Ono -- Special lifetime award on the 40th anniversary of their Montreal bed-in for peace. I'm still puzzled as to how they thought lying in bed for a week was going to stop the Vietnam War.

Ruby Dhallah -- claims allegations of abusing live-in caregivers is a Tory conspiracy against here, despite lack of proof. Gives Garth a run for his money.

CTV -- Attempting to screw consumers by trying to force extra fees on cable customers who receive network stations because it bought too many assets that it could not afford. Blackmailing the CRTC and attempting to brainwash the public.

Elizabeth May -- Funny how the only goal of her plan to enhance democracy seems to be getting herself a guaranteed seat in parliament. No conflict of interest there.

PETA -- Would rather let humans starve just to protect cute seal pups.

April Inductees
Harmid Karzai -- Tried to legalize spousal rape in Afghanistan to cajole the Taliban and Al Qaeda

G20 Protesters in London -- How is beating cops going to fix the economy again? I think we should ask North Koreans how well that whole communism thing is going.

Ken Lewenza -- CAW president thinks Ontario taxpayers are morally obligated to pay his huge union pensions when so many other retirees are living on less and less. Talk about a culture of entitlement. He'd do the Liberals proud.

Milton Canadian Champion -- Local newspaper that insulted me by refusing to publish my letter, publically stating that I was basically lying. Incompetent at best, in bed with developers at worst.

Milton Town Council -- Ignoring their constituents in old Milton

First Capital Development -- Building a giant mall that nobody wants or needs, creating noise, air, and light pollution in the middle of a residential area.

Ontario Municipal Board -- For making decisions undemocratically, rubber-stamping development projects without any knowledge of the community and never asking for their concerns.

The Entertainment Industry -- For turning copyright law into an absolute farce.

Tamil-Canadians -- For trying to get Canada involved in a war it has no business being involved in, and for openly supporting an internationally recognized terror group.

Janet Napolitano -- US Homeland Security Secretary within the Obama administration. Falsely accused Canada of allowing terrorists to entre into the US.

Garth Turner -- Honorary lifetime inductee. Betrayed his voters, makes offensives comments, and paranoid statements. In regards to the latter and in all seriousness, I think he may have a mental illness and needs to seek help.

Steven Harper -- Bailing out Chrysler. Yeah, like we'll ever see that money again. Isn't he supposed to be an economic conservative?

Barack Obama -- Failed his first 100 days by wussifying America. Bailed out the automakers and partially nationalized Chrysler. Three international incidents started with Canada by people under his watch... plus all that sleezy stuff he did during the election. Far too much to cover for this section.
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