Sunday, June 07, 2009

Radio MMN

The beauty of the Internet is being able to produce content free of charge. If you're cheap like me, that's great. It's what's kept this blog going for four years now. I've been toying with the idea of adding a multimedia feature to MMN or MMNTech. I got the idea to do an enhanced podcast as a project of mine just to see how it works out and what kind of interest it generates (likely none. lol).
I'm in the planning stages of it right now but I have worked out a loose format. Each episode, I'll discuss two or three current events topics just like any pundit show. No schedule. It will be done when its done if it gets done. Here's the plan for my first episode.

Episode 1: Food For Thought

-Food Inc.
Discuss the topics Robert Kenner brings up in his new documentary Food Inc. Why are we so afraid of industrialized agriculture? Is Ronald McDonald really the spawn of Pennywise? Plus my secret to good health and why I will relish my 30th birthday when it comes.

-Places to Mow (Down)
Is the 2005 Places to Grow Act of Ontario accelerating urban sprawl? Is the Greenbelt just a myth? Why is it that "Big Mayonnaise" seems to be the only realistic organization fighting sprawl? Plus a look at the issue of broken municipal planning and I rant about my fence.

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