Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Report Card Time

As other pundits like to give out report cards to our political leaders at the end of the parliamentary session, I thought I'd do my own too. Unoriginal yes but some of my grades might surprise you.

Michelle Jean: A
Michelle had shown a leadership role in the class and is not afraid to take on continental bullies. Definite signs of improvement

Federal House of Commons

Steven Harper: B-
Steven did a good job weathering Canada through the most bitter recession in recent memory. However, he did hand billions of tax dollars to the undeserving auto industry and created a massive deficit. Has shown willingness to work with others, a definite improvement.

Michael Ignatiff: B+
Michael brought decorum back to the Liberal party and has shown a willingness to work with others. Needs to familiarize himself though with content discussed in previous grade levels.

Jack Layton: F
Jack has failed this year's class. He has shown more interest in furthering his own greedy desire to land a cabinet position that he threated Canadian unity and tossed democracy out the window in the process. He knows his plans are far to radical. Other classmates view him as nothing more than a s--t disturber with no real agenda.

Giles Duceppe: N/A
Wants to transfer to a French immersion school.

Stephane Dion: F
Absent for much of the year, threatened to tear Canada apart over his bitterness in loosing the election. Pushed his radical, economy punishing environmental agenda even when his own party warned him to drop it.

Ontario Legislature

Dalton McGuinty: F
Dalton failed to complete any of his assignments. The work he did hand in not even a dog would eat.

John Tory: D
John shows effort but a lack of leadership skills hampers his ability to learn.

Andrea Horwath: A
Andrea has shown intolerance toward bullies and holds her other students accountable for their actions.
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