Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Idiots Hall of Shame: June to August

June Inductees
Us -- No, no, not the United States. I'm talking about Us, you and me. We're idiots for not putting a stop to out of control hypergovernments that have done far more harm than good.

CUPE Toronto -- Striking over 18 sick days? A classic example of greed and a culture of entitlement. They're not going to win public sympathy for this one

Canadian TV Networks -- Radio profits are way up, ad revenue is up, yet they face stiffer competition that TV does. How is it that Canadian TV is still loosing money?!

Gays -- For shamelessly perpetrating their own negative stereotypes and then wondering why so many find them so offensive.

July Inductees
Miller & McGuinty -- Banned pesticides saying they're unsafe, now telling us we must use them on garbage piles to control pests and that they're perfectly safe. Which one is it?

Bundanoon, Australia -- Town completely banned bottled water. Highly reactionary response to a non-existent issue. Also puts citizens in danger should regular tap water become unreliable a la Walkerton.

August Inductees
David Miller & Toronto Council -- Caving in to a militant union and general abuse of Toronto citizens. These corrupt councillors need to be roped in before the city finally falls apart.

Scottish Government -- For releasing a convicted, unrepentant mass murderer on "compassionate grounds".

Expert Panels -- Experts who say nothing useful

Milton Tornado -- For damaging buildings on the wrong side of town! I sure would have liked to have seen some Mc(Guinty) Mansions mowed down.

UK Parliament -- The fall of an empire through corruption, greed, and incompetence. Also bending over backwards to Arab interests at the expense of their own peoples'.
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