Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Ignatiff Gambling with Democracy

I'm really starting to get fed up of this garbage. Liberal leader Michael Ignatiff is threatening to pull the plug on the Conservatives come Fall. If he goes through with this, it would be the fourth election in the last five years. One has to admire the tenacity of the Liberals. However, is this really about serving the public good or rather making sure the Grits can go back to ruling with their divine right? Ignatiff has said that he would do a better job as PM but has failed to outline how he would do so other than expanding the EI program, something that is arguably as fine as it is. Really, there's a lot I don't like about Harper. Namely his party's ringing endorsement of the controversial HST reforms in Ontario and BC, and forking over public money to GM and Chrysler. Ignatiff has failed to attack this though and instead has focused on minor "scandals", such as the woman who is currently suing the government after she was detained in Kenya for passport fraud. Incidentally, I think she did not look anything like her passport photo. So one woman who could not be confirmed to be who she was by any authorities until a DNA test was performed constitutes the government abandoning Canadians abroad.

All the Liberals have offered up are empty slogans about being green and bringing accountability but what they do have to show from this Parliament is a string of colossal blunders mixed in with silence on the real issues. An election would cost millions of dollars and I can tell you right now how it would turn out. We'll spend the money, poll turnout will be at its lowest ever, we'll elect another Conservative or Liberal minority, and we'll be right back to square one. Lather, rinse, repeat. None of the parties even have adequate funding to keep fighting annual elections. In the end, all it serves to do is make a mockery of our democratic process. A process which the Liberals under Dion showed little regard for. Don't like the outcome, hijack it and force yourself into power like some sort of petty dictator. The Canadian public won't tolerate it, but they won't retaliate by going Conservative. They'll retaliate by simply not voting. I think this is what Ignatiff is gambling on; that he can grab the support of die hard political junkies that will show up to vote no matter what. It's not exactly equivalent to having an ace up his sleeve, more like betting on a horse named "Glue". This is especially a poor gamble when the liberal-left is on the defensive right now in the Western world. The way Obama and Brown have bungled the US and UK economic recoveries respectively won't draw rousing support from those who follow the news, who are also those junkies. What the Liberals need is a Conservative majority. Of course I'd like to see that but there is practical advantage for Ignatiff et al as well. Simply put it gives them time to reorganize as the party clearly has lost touch with its support base and Canadians at large. This is why Dion had to go and this is why they'll likely loose again. Harper has a solid platform for better or worse while the Liberals have none. They had long put their money on the "better the devil you know" mantra when they were in power, but it might just come back to bite them in the backside. Regardless of what happens, everyone in Parliament needs to stop playing foolish games with democracy and get down to some real business.
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