Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Air Sickness

I've been an aviation enthusiast for years. I'm officially declaring war on NDP MP Olivia Chow. Once again, it's over Toronto City Centre Airport (aka the island airport) and Porter airlines.

Three years ago, Toronto mayor David Miller made a campaign promise to end construction of a bridge to the island airport, a promise he made good on. Unfortunately for Toronto tax payers, the contracts had already been awarded and singed. The contractor threatened to sue the city for breaking contract. The fight has again been reignited over Porter Airlines. This new airline will fly deHavilland Dash-8s, twin engine turbo-prop airliners on a route to Ottawa, with other Canadian and American cities possible in the future.

You may be asking what's the big deal? Numorous reasons have been given. The most commonly cited problems are air and noise pollution. Other claims made are runways being too short. For those who don't know, a turbo-prop is basically a jet engine that uses a gear driven propeller. Unlike conventional jets, it's a closed, low power system. They are quieter and more energy efficient than big jets and piston engine planes. The planes themselves are no louder and do not pollute more than any other vehicle that operates in the area. Turbo-props also do not need long runways as jet airliners do, so the island airport's are more than long enough.

So what's the real reason to close this aiport? To find the anwer, we must travel three kilometers east across the harbour, to The Docks. The Docks are a massive entertainment complex along the waterfront. A couple months ago, the nightclub there had it's alcohol licence temporarily revoked due to noise complaints. Where did those complaints come from? The Toronto Islands, more specifically, the people who live on the eastern half of the islands.

Recent polls have shown that the vast majority of Torontonians feel the airport issue is dead. Even those who live in the downtown don't care. Many feel the airline is a good idea. Even at the best of times, it's a long drive to Pearson Airport from the downtown. A lot of people travel frequently to Ottawa and Montreal and have welcomed Porter. People like the idea of an airport in walking or transit distance. However, Island residence are not like most people. I believe "crunchy granola" has been used to describe them. They are in general quite socialist. Right up David Miller and Olivia Chow's ally. Much of the fight over the waterfront has been started by them. Though I do not oppose revitalizing the waterfront (as long as only Toronto pays for it), I do not believe a small minority of people should be dictating what should be done. First of all, the islands were meant as a park. The people living there are squatters. The city has tried for years, with mayors as recently as Mel Lastman trying to get them to leave. They are living there illegally. The airport is crown land. Both the recent Liberal and Conservative governments have refused to listen to complaints. Only the NDP seems to want to make this an issue.

So what should be done about the airport? Leave it, build that bridge, and let the issue die. Simple as that. It's time to end the dithering by Toronto's mayor and the NDP and focus on the real issues in the city such as crime and a crumbling transit system.
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