Thursday, October 05, 2006


It's been some time since Michael Jackson sang "it doesn't matter if you're black or white". Society has made significant improvements since the civil rights movements of the 1960s, or has it? A lot of people would have you believe the reverse. Apparently, our society is slipping towards the levels of Nazi Germany with a credo fit for the KKK. What a curious world we live in.

Of course, I'm going to talk abour Air India. When Stephen Harper was elected Prime Minister, he promised that an inquiry to the 1985 Air India bombing would be held. It was thought that the criminal trial didn't really bring justice so it's hoped that this civil inquiry would help bring some answers and closure.
The inquiry itself is now underway, but is already seriously flawed. Former Ontario premier Bob Ray had done an indepth report on the disaster and trial about a year ago. His conclusion was that although the investigation had its problems, there was no racial bias. The head judge of the inquiry disagrees. He feels that racism indeed played a part in corrupting the investigation.

Racism seems to be the universal scapegoat for society's problems. Apparently, all white people do is try and keep brown people down. Plato called this a true lie. A lie that so corrupts people's souls that it destroys society. Indeed, white people do not focus soley on trying to bring others down. Sure, there are racist people, but they are a very small minority. However, percieved racism is the most dangerous type. It's what cases the problems in our society. Most often, you'll hear anti-immigrant blurbs from people of all stripes, but I have never witnessed anybody be treated differently due to their colour or ethnicity. Unfortunately, a lot of visible minorities enjoy using the term when ever they feel they've been wronged. In my opinion, calling someone in our society a racist when they clearly are not is a high insult.

So where am I going with this? Well, first of all, this inquiry should be stopped immediately. It's an enormous waste of tax payer money. It truly is tragic for the families who lost loved ones. I'm getting the feeling though that no matter what the ruling, they will be unsatisfied. I'd rather see my money spent on more important things.
The judge in the inquiry should be ashamed of himself as well for even making such comments. Judges are not supposed to express their opinions at trials. They are supposed to listen to arguments from both sides and when the trial finishes, they then make an unbiased decision based on the evidence. This truly proves what a three ring circus our justice system is. Justice John Major, who is making the accusations, is a Supreme Court Judge to boot. I think this sheds a lot of light on the system. Perhaps the money would be better spend on holding a public inquiry about an incompetent justice system. Let the judges face the jury for a change.
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