Friday, October 13, 2006

Unfab Five

Today, I'd thought I would look at the five leaders that are, or are claimed to be threatening world peace. Lets investigate the their threat to our country.

Osama Bin Laden
The Saltan of Terror, the king of Jihad. Osama (aka Usama) is a religious zealot bent on wreaking havoc where ever he goes. A typical spoiled rich kid, he has corrupted Islam to suit his own perverse hatred of the Western world. It is unclear why he does this.
Osama is directly responsible or inspired dozens of deadly terrorist attacks in the United States, United Kingdom, Iraq, Afghanistan, Indonesia, and several other countries. He has legions of followers who hold onto his every word. He and his followers do not fear god and they are not afraid to harm innocent people in order to achieve their goal of a fundamentalist Islamic world. In the process, he has put Islam against the rest of the world. Canada is on his hit list.

Threat to Canada: High
Likely Actions: Small to mid scale terror attack
Canadian Casualties: Up to 10000

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He is driven by hatred and racism more than religion. Has stated he wants to wipe Israel off the map. His regime is fascist and Nazi-like. Current work if focused on developing a nuclear program. It is unknown whether or not this is for peaceful purposes or for war. Canada recognizes Israel's right to exist, and therefore puts us in opposition to Iran. Canada, however, is too far away and our military is busy elsewhere.

Threat to Canada: Low
Likely Actions: Nuclear attack on Israel, war with United States
Canadian Casualties: Likely none

Kim Jong Il:
Leader of the North Korean communist party and de facto ruler of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Kim Jong Il is viewed as a cartoonish super villain and mad man. He is in fact a smart politician who knows how to manipulate the world. He lives in a great palace while his people starve. His regime is Stalinist and almost Orwellian. North Koreans have little or no freedom. Kim Jong Il is still living in the world of 50 years ago, and is still fighting the capitalist vs communist Cold War. North Korea is still technically at war with NATO, of which Canada is a member. He has recently developed nuclear weapons technology and has missiles that can reach North America.

Threat to Canada: Moderate
Likely Actions: Nuclear attack.
Canadian Casualties: Zero up to the millions if a nuclear weapon struck the west coast.

Hugo Chavez Frias:
President of Venezuela and leader of the bloodless Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez is a colourful character. He is a borderline communist, though hasn't made the move to go that far yet. He is a close ally of several dangerous nations including Iran, North Korea, and Cuba. Chavez is strongly anti-American and anti-western. He has encouraged revolutions and has called the US president the devil. He gained power democratically in 1998 after he lead two failed military coup attempts. Chavez was a middle ranking military officer and knows about tactics. Venezuela sits on a huge oil deposit, which the government has total control of. An oil trade embargo could cause economic havoc.
Chavez and Venezuela like to cheer and egg on America's enemies.

Threat to Canada: Low
Likely Actions: Oil trade embargo
Canadian Casualties: None

George W Bush:
Bush is the somewhat comical president of the US. Some would argue he is the biggest threat to the world, but he is in fact more of a threat to his own people. His poorly planned defense measures are full of weak spots. He likes to blame others for America's problems. Doesn't get his facts straight. He tends to point the finger at Canada's weak border, while thousands of Mexicans stream into the US in the south.

Threat to Canada: None
Likely Actions: Tighter border security
Canadian Casualties: None.
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