Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pony Up The Dough Tonto

Wow, a lot to cover this week.

Well, it's been nearly a year since the start of the Caledonia land dispute, and it shows no sign of ending. A recent report has found that the province of Ontario has found that total cost of policing the dispute and buying the land could cost up to $55 million before the protest ends. Ontario wants at least $25 million from the feds to pay for it, since police don't work cheap. However, why should the Canadian tax payer even be on the hook for this at all?

This farce in Caledonia makes you question who is really running the country. A group of natives sell a plot of land to a housing developer, then decide they want it back but refuse to return the money. They claim they didn't understand the deal. Sure, and I'm the queen. They know exactly what they're getting into because the white man will bend over backwards for the Indian and even hand them the bottle of lube. They know how to play off the white guilt felt in todays PC age.

I propose that the Iroquois First Nation should be made to pay for the protest. Their scam backfired and they started this dispute. They are the ones harassing the people living in Caledonia. Canadians should not be forced to pay for their temper tantrum.
As I have already said, the whole way we deal with the country's native people needs to change. It is archaic, places a huge burden on Canadians, and keeps the native people backwards. I cite the huge success of many who have left the reserves to join the rest of the world, yet without giving up their roots. They obviously are not inferior. The first step to brining them out of the hole they've been buried in is make them responsible for their actions against the greater society. It's time to stop treating Canada's First Nations like children.
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