Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Don't Turf Turner, Turf Harper

I was very upset and disturbed by Halton MP Garth Turner being kicked out of the Conservative caucus. As I understood it, the Conservatives were going to give us a more US style government in which individual MPs were allowed to speak their minds. However, what we are getting is more Chrétien style attitude from the man in power. In other words, strong arming their MPs into line. Comments on Turuner's blog were cited for his removal from caucus. Turner is one of the only MPs who uses an electronic medium to talk to his constituents.

Former Hamilton MP Sheila Copps brought up an interesting point in this weeks Sun. She says that this move will backfire in Harper's face. Indeed it will for I will no longer be voting Conservative unless they apologize to Turner and reinstate his seat in caucus, and remove Harper as party leader. So far, Harper has been a disappointing leader, particularly to Progressive Conservative supporters like myself. He has given us a rather poor foreign policy coupled with more typical Liberal style antics on the home front.

The turfing of Turner however is just as much an institutional issue as it is a Conservative Party one. The fact that this would even be legal in a modern, western democracy is appalling. The Westminster system is simply too archaic to function effectively. Many people cite history as a reason not to change. However, history is a dialogue of change and change is what is needed. Canada must adopt a US style republic in which all sitting members in parliament are free to speak and vote as they choose. This system may be slower and has its flaws, but it is still more fair and balanced than the one Canada currently uses.
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