Sunday, December 10, 2006

At It Agian New Milton

I loath the new people to Milton with every fiber of my body. I would like nothing than to round them all up and toss them back to the garbage heap known as Toronto from which they came. They push and shove, whine and winge, they bitch about everything; problems they created.

The latest involves construction in a housing development. I grew up around construction sites and I know the hazards associated with them. The new people to Milton in the Hawthorn Village subdivision are complaining about their children getting to school. In order to get to a new school in the area, many children have to walk past construction sites. The parents are fretting because of how dangerous these sites are. Their kid could get killed walking near them. Now they want a bus service.

This actually made CFTO's 6pm news. (just goes to show the sorry state of the news media, but I'll save that for another day) One dad said he drives his kid to school because of this "danger", even though the kid is less than a five minute walk away. He is one screaming for a school bus service in order to protect their kids from the danger of the construction. Get real. You really want the Halton taxpayer to have your kid take a one minute bus ride to school? Fortunately, the Halton District School Board agrees with me. They said no to the bus idea. How dumb are people getting in this town. I say if you want that kind of service, drag your slimy hides back to T.O. and put the kids back on the safe embrace of the TTC to school. Milton is not Toronto, for those who haven't noticed. Nor should it become like it, despite what some want. The danger is just not there as long as the kids have common sense and are taught to stay away from the men while they're working. When I was growing up, that was a "well duh" thing to most children.

What bugs me most about the noobies is that they complain the loudest but don't vote. Plus, Milton didn't have these problems before they came. They created them so now they have to live with them, or else get out. I think the latter option is the best one since they're making the old folk suffer unjustly from the problems they caused. *sigh* A man can dream. (I guess the Native Canadians must be having a "now you know how it feels" moment when they look at us.)
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