Saturday, December 16, 2006

Political Correctness is Dying a Cold Death

It's been a slow news week so this Christmas Tree thing has been dominating the airwaves for the past few days. The tree issue itself is rather trivial on the outside. It does however scratch the surface of a very important issue in Canadian society. That is political correctness.

The PC movement began in the 1980s. The idea was to eliminate racism and intolerance. Since it first started, it's done quite the opposite. If anything, it's made people more intolerant. The anti-Christmas movement that came out of PC was started by a small minority of Jews, though some atheists in the US have joined. As an atheist, I celebrate Christmas. It's a western tradition and is just as much secular as religious. I couldn't care less where they have a baby Jesus. He is a historic figure after all.
The vast majority of Jewish people do not support this anti-Christmas crap. Frank Dimant, vice president of the B'nai Brith has denounced Justice Cohen's decision. Based on her last name, Cohen is obviously Jewish. It seems she doesn't have the support of her people though, far from it. This whole thing about the Christmas tree has seemed to unite Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Jews in the Toronto area. I'm sure this is not what Cohen was expecting. Current government policy allows for the celebration of all holidays in order to promote multiculturalism. This move by Cohen is anti-multicultural. She still refuses to back down though. The government needs to redefine policy to prevent overzealous people from taking things into their own hands.

As for political correctness, it's dying a cold death. People are sick of having to tiptoe around issues for fear of offending someone. It seems that Canada's four major religions are in agreement on this. Attacking Christmas displays is not political correctness, it's just bigotry desguised as it.
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