Saturday, December 16, 2006

OPP Has Failed: Military Action Needed

The Ontario Provincial Police have failed at Caledonia. This comes on the heels of the arrest of Gary McHale, who organized a protest against the native occupiers. Not only is this grossly unconstitutional, it proves who the police are really supporting in this issue.

The Federal Government really needs to get involved and to take a stand against the aboriginal protesters. How long can we let this go on? Another year, five years, ten years of squatting on land that does not belong to them? The RCMP or the military should be called in immediately to resolve the dispute. Obviously the OPP is not there anymore to protect the rights of Ontarians. It's bad when it gets to the point where an external body must get involved. Constitutionally the natives are a federal duty so they should be resolving it anyway.

Further more, OPP chief Julian Fantino should resign his post and the officers involved should be reprimanded for their failure in the issue. What are we? Mexico? The natives have no legitimate claim over land they sold. Why bring up stuff from 200 years ago? Only to cause trouble most likely. Most of those on the Six Nations reserve are on welfare (I've had natives tell me that), simple wards of the state. Their free ride has gone on long enough.
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