Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tis the PC Season

I was reading in the Sun today about a judge who forced staff at a particular Ontario court house to remove a Christmas Tree from the front lobby and move it to the back of the building where it goes unseen. I find this to be a curious decision to say the least, and certainly illegal in my opinion. Despite outrage by staff, Justice Marion Cohen has defended her decision on the grounds that it is a Christian symbol.

Was this judge right to make this decision. In my opinion, the decision is unconstitutional. Under section 2, you cannot discriminate on the basis of religion but it seems to me that's exactly what Cohen is doing. Historically, Christmas Trees are not a religious symbol. People used to decorate trees for winter festivals long before they became associated with Christmas. A proposal to rename it a unity tree with symbols from all religions was turned down.

The tree has been a tradition at this particular court house, which is what upset people the most. Each court administrator, as Cohen is, has the right to do as they please. There is no universal policy.

This begs the question if political correctness is going to far. Do we abandon traditions just for the sake of not offending someone. I'm not Christian and I put up a Christmas Tree, and I call it so. It's not a holiday tree or unity tree. If that's the case, I'm going to start calling Menorahs "festive Middle-Eastern candelabres". I guarantee that won't go over well with the civil servants.
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