Thursday, December 14, 2006

Is Iran Falling to Nazism?

Iran is a curious state that is certainly full of controversy. Earlier this year, the National Post posted a false article regarding arm bands for Jews. Fortunately this was not true but one begins to question how long will it be before it is the case.

Iran is holding what it calls a Holocaust Conference. It claims it is to discus the reality of the holocaust in an open and free environment. In reality, it seems to be more of a convention for anti-semitics than anything else. Notably, a former leader of the US based Ku Klux Klan was invited to be a keynote speaker. (For those who don't know, the KKK is a radical and violent white supremacy group that hates Jews, who are ironically white) The conference's main goal is to question whether the holocaust actually happened. If the holocaust was fabricated, it must be the greatest conspiracy in history. Certainly, it would be impossible to pull off. I find it insulting that there are people who would deny the crimes of Nazi Germany, since I had family members die fighting them. Curiously, anti-zionist Jews were invited to the conference and are attending. It begs the question of whether Iran's government is anti-Jewish or just anti-Israel. That question is difficult to answer. It's not one I can answer, though I'm leaning towards the latter.

I think Iran's theocratic regime is treading on very thin ice. The world has turned against them, with almost every foreign leader denouncing the conference. Public opinion in Iran itself has been very negative. Both Arab and Jewish Iranians are denouncing the conference and the government for letting racists and Nazis in their country. Iran is certainly on a path for a second revolution.
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