Monday, January 01, 2007

Reflections on 2006, Thoughts for 2007

The world greets 2007 today. One year over and another begins. 2006 was certainly an interesting year to be alive in. We saw the Conservatives rise to power for the first time in 13 years. The Democratic party took control of congress in the US. Saddam Hussain was finally executed for his crimes. War in Lebanon, natural disasters, the deaths of many big names in recent history. It's amazing how much we can cram into 365 days, whether for good or bad.

I think we should look at 2007 on a positive outlook. Recent polls done in the United States show Americans fear an approaching dooms day. For some reason though, I highly doubt the second coming of Jesus is in the cards for the next year. I predict we've still got a solid 5 billion years before we have to worry about the end of the world. So what are my predictions?
-Weather will return to normal with the end of the El Nino cycle, ending global warming fears.
-No chance for peace in the Middle-East but with Saddam Hussain out of the picture in Iraq, at least there will still be hope for that country.
-There will be no terror attacks on US soil this year. Terrorism world-wide will be below normal this year.
-Fidel Castro will die. Cuba will either become democratic or adopt post-Mao Chinese style "communism". US Embargo against Cuba will end.
-Canada will not go to the polls for another Federal election as predicted by some political scientists. With Canada's two biggest provinces already going to the polls for provincial elections, opposition parties will likely hold off until early 2008, or face voter backlash. Dalton McGuinty will (unfortunately) win the Ontario provincial election but will only hold a minority government.
-Caledonia will not be resolved. The OPP will be sued over it.
-Milton will fall further into the sinkhole it dug itself.
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