Saturday, January 13, 2007

Is Mexico Safe?

Three Canadian tourists have died in Mexico. Both in the heart of the popular resort towns of Cancun and Acapulco. This has left some scratching their heads as to whether or not Mexico is a safe place to visit.

I have been to Mexico and studied its history. I went there in 1995. I was only 10 and that was my first vacation outside the US and Canada. I don't remember ever feeling threatened there. I do remember heavily armed police officers guarding the streets. It was during a festival week leading up to Christmas at the time. It was also just under two years after the EZLN's rebellion in Chiapas. This was while the group was still an armed rebel organization. They've since become a political organization.
We were always told that to stay safe in Mexico, one should not venture outside of the hotel area. Sound advice. However, both recent crimes did happen in resort areas. So is Mexico dangerous? In my opinion, Mexico is a dangerous country. Mexicans are xenophobic. Although they like the tourist dollars, they strongly dislike foreigners being in their country. Foreigners in these countries should always watch their back. Though there are many friendly people, when in any strange place, you should treat everybody as though they're about to stab you. People who become too trusting are the ones who get targeted. Mexico is not like Toronto. It has a tradition of violence and has a very high crime rate, even in supposedly safe tourist areas.

Would I advise my fellow Canadians not to travel to Mexico? Depends. Those who are quick to let their guard down should stick to traveling in Canada and the US. Mexico is a very beautiful, rich, and diverse country, but it has a lot of social problems. It's a nice place to visit, but you have to be careful.

Tips for safe traveling:
-Always travel in groups, never go alone.
-Keep all valuables locked in a hotel safe. I recommend taking only costume jewelery and a minimum amount of cash. Use credit cards and insured traveler's cheques whenever possible. Don't bring debit cards with you. If you run out of cash, use your credit card. Carry some sort of photo id on your person at all times.
-Take tours offered by your hotel or travel provider. Don't go out on your own.
-The legal and health systems are nothing like those in Canada. The law is often corrupt and abusive to foreigners. Familiarize yourself with the country's laws and stay out of trouble. There is little the Canadian government can do in these situations.
-Travel only in licensed taxis that are clearly marked.
-Stay in resort areas unless going out on a travel provider's tour.
-If you are unfamiliar with the language, purchase a phrase book before you go and become familiar with it.
-If there is a Canadian embassy in the country, make an effort to find its location and phone number. If you run into trouble, contact the embassy before anybody else.
-Don't get too friendly with the locals. In places like Mexico, many people strongly dislike foreigners.
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