Friday, January 05, 2007

Spewing Hot Air

I wish I had the ability to lie and keep a strait face. Too bad I can't so I can't be a politician, or a "scientist". Yes, it was warm today. January 5th and it got up to 11 degrees today. Of course you know what this means? We can't ski! Oh well, I hate skiing. No wait, that's not it. Oh yes, the apocalypse. Yes, this might be my last post on Martin's Mill News. I might be dead tomorrow, and so will you. The world is ending! It's all over people, we don't have a prayer!

Am I crazy? Probably. Does the above statement sound crazy, definitely. Coming for me, it's no different from the homeless guy on the street corner who hasn't taken his meds today. Coming from psudo-scientists, it makes perfect sense. Yes, it's warm today so the world is going to end. Global Warming. A convenient issue. A convenient lie. Especially if you're considering running for the democratic presidential nomination in 2008...*cough*. Global warming is an issue that is really starting to bother me. What bothers me is that it shouldn't be an issue at all. It's all a lot of hot air. I've talked about this before but its dominating the news again. Why won't people just come out and admit it doesn't exist! Why, because they're making too much money and getting too much attention over it. If you read my October 2006 article about it, you'd know my position. Of course reducing pollution is important but telling people we'll all die tomorrow if we don't is pure insanity, and people don't even see it.
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