Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Not Fair for US To Pick on Canada

Today, the US now requires passports for Canadians flying into the country. Is there a legitimate security risk or is this simply the result of mass hysteria? I argue the latter is true. Arguably, the United States poses the bigger security risk to Canada than the other way around. After all, Canada is the new Mexico for America's criminals. That's mostly the result of our rather lax immigration laws and frightened, unarmed boarder guards than anything else. However, Canada still has the lowest crime rate in North America. Canada is also the leading nation in the war on terror. We've been left with an overwhelming burden in Afghanistan while the US fights their increasingly pointless war in Iraq.

So why has Canada been targeted as a possible security threat? There is simply no logical answer. Big business in the US, which relies heavily on trade with Canada, has been opposed to the idea since day one. So much for them being the driving force in American politics. Much of these decisions have been made unilaterally from the White House. George W Bush is somewhat of an enigma in US politics. They have never elected a leader quite like him. I have remained neutral on Bush politically. Analytically he's a bad leader and a bad politicians.
Canada seems to be an easy target in vain attempts to make it look like the government is improving national security. The problem with us is we are too nice, at least on the international scene. The US must be kept as a close friend and ally, but we must be firm with them. Canada therefore needs to institute strict laws for Americans coming north. After all, the US cannot punish us. It's generally thought that the US can do what it wants in regards to Canada but that's simply not the case. Canada and the US have an economically symbiotic relationship with each other. In other words, one country cannot survive, at least at its current standard of living, without the other. It's time we started letting them know that. I believe most Americans do realize this situation but their executive leadership still does not. Pressure from big business regarding the issue also needs to increase vastly if things are going to change.

In the mean time, the US needs to start concentrating on its southern neighbour. While hundreds of thousands of Mexicans stream across the border every year, taking American jobs and ghettoizing cities, you'd think they'd be the major security concern. It would be significantly easier for terror organizations to enter the US through Mexico than through Canada. We catch our terror suspects.
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