Friday, January 05, 2007

Mom and Mom and Dad

A rather interesting court ruling this week. Apparently, it is now legal for a child to have three parents. No, not in the sense of a step parent, but three full fledged legal parents. That's odd.

An Ottawa area lesbian couple had been fighting for this for a number of years. The biological mother's lesbian partner wanted to become the adopted mother of the child. The father is still alive and heavily active in the child's life. The reasoning behind this is that if something were to happen to both biological parents, the child would still have a mom. That does make sense in a way. The father was married to the biological mother and they are divorced. (I don't know why, two women is every man's dream, right?)

Well, this other woman has finally been granted the right to be the child's full fledged adoptive mother. This opens an interesting can of worms. It's interesting to note that this trial happened with a homosexual couple, rather than a heterosexual relationship. It leads me to believe that judges are being a bit too "pro-active" on the whole gay rights agenda. Something that is not their job. Why do we elect MPs anyway? Secondly, it creates a few legal problems. Does this new ruling apply to strait couples as well? Was it right to do so? I personally found the ruling unnecessary. There are already laws in place that would give the child to a step-parent provided this be noted in the will. Both biological parents did want this women to be the mother if something were to happen.
It's more pushing the whole gay agenda than anything else, with the legal consequences not even being considered. The judge should be disbarred for that in my opinion. This ruling has one major flaw. That is, what happens if the relationship between the two women were broken off. The other woman would still be the child's legal parent. That likely means back to the courts to decide who gets custody, and then the child ends up getting bounced back and forth between three people. That is hardly fair to the child, who has already had to deal with such adult issues at such a young age. Though I think it's possible for a child to have caregivers outside of their two biological parents, it's wrong to start making these caregivers the legal status of biological or adoptive parents, it goes against nature as well. In the human species, it's only possible to have two parents.
Speaking of which, what about adoptions. Something else that wasn't considered that definitely should have been. If say a woman gives up her child for adoption, does she still remain a legal parent? This case opens the door for something like that. Take the US women who recently kidnapped her kids she gave up for adoption and fled to Canada.

I definitely question the Judge's motives on this ruling as it is highly irresponsible. It is always wrong to use children as a pawn to push political agendas.

These sorts of decisions should be left up to the legislature to decide. It's alright for judges to bring up these issues but its wrong in a democratic society for them to have the final say.
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