Friday, January 05, 2007

Death of a Tyrant

As I'm sure most know by now, former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussain has been executed. Stick a fork in him, he's done. Too bad the debate over his death is still as fresh as my Christmas tree, still going but stale.

I for one think Saddam being executed is the first positive thing in Iraq since the war started. It finally closes a chapter on the nation's violent past. Saddam was born a thug, he was already a killer by his teens. He ruled his country like a mafia don. The loyal were well treated, those he doubted were murdered en mass. Definitely not a very nice man. He's finally hung for his crimes. If anything, Iraqis can be safe in knowing he'll never be coming back.

However, the debate as to whether or not he should have been killed still continues. Many claim that executing him is in itself a human rights violation, committed by the imperialist United States. Never mind Saddam was tried and executed by his own people, and not the Americans. I suppose mass murdering Kurds and pitting Shiite against Sunni in a brutal civil war is not enough justification. As I hinted at earlier, the Iraqi people would not have accepted anything less than death in order to make sure he wouldn't return to power.

To those who still rant against him being killed, Saddam is dead. Nothing can bring him back to life so you're just beating this issue like a dead horse. Where were you before they were going to hang him?
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