Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Developers: Get Out of Milton NOW!!!

I'm getting absolutely tired of this crap and I know many of my fellow Milton residents are too. I am demanding that all future development be restricted to Milton's east end and that all developers immediately leave the south and west ends. For nearly five years now, Milton residents have had to deal with a town run by corrupt developers and a corrupt town and regional council. During this time, the town has been allowed to crumble around us. Roads are a mess, buildings have been illegally destoryed, subdivisions have been illegally put up. All this is seems to go un-noticed by our town council. With the sheer amount of complaints, I am led to believe that there are shady deals being made behind closed doors between developers and those in town government. This must stop, NOW. I don't want to see the number of houses cut down by half or a quarter of the original number in the enviromnetally sensitive escarpment country, I want the number to be ZERO.

Developers, you are no longer welcome in this town and I suggest you leave as soon as possible before you face the wrath of thousands the original residents of this town who have been infuriated by your actions. I suggest Milton residents take a page out of the book currently being written by the First Nations in Caladonia if this does not stop soon.
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